

當(dāng)前位置:首頁(yè) > 側(cè)搖式螺桿啟閉機(jī) > 江西側(cè)搖式螺桿啟閉機(jī)


  • 產(chǎn)品名稱: 江西側(cè)搖式螺桿啟閉機(jī)


 側(cè)搖式螺桿式啟閉機(jī)的簡(jiǎn)單介紹QL型螺桿式啟閉機(jī)(手電兩用式),手搖式江西側(cè)搖式螺桿啟閉機(jī)按規(guī)格可分為:3噸、5噸、8噸、10噸、12噸、15噸、20噸、25噸、30噸、40噸、50噸、60噸 1.QL型螺桿式啟閉機(jī)(手電兩用式),手搖式螺桿啟閉機(jī)按規(guī)格可分為:3噸、5噸、8噸、10噸、12噸、15噸、20噸、25噸、30噸、40噸、50噸、60噸,還可生產(chǎn)雙吊點(diǎn)啟閉機(jī),該機(jī)是 ...





2.QP型,QPK型卷?yè)P(yáng)式啟閉機(jī),手搖、電動(dòng)兩用式規(guī)格分為:5噸、8噸、12.5噸、16噸、25噸;電動(dòng)式規(guī)格分為:40噸、63噸、80噸、100噸、125噸、160噸、200噸,根據(jù)用戶水利工程設(shè)計(jì)要求,還可生產(chǎn)雙吊點(diǎn)卷?yè)P(yáng)式啟閉機(jī),該機(jī)是一種水利工程專用機(jī)械,廣泛用于水利工程閘門(mén)的啟閉,是農(nóng)田灌溉、水產(chǎn)養(yǎng)殖、農(nóng)業(yè)經(jīng)濟(jì)開(kāi)發(fā)區(qū)、污水處理廠、水利發(fā)電站、水庫(kù)(水閘、堤壩、隧道、管 道)等進(jìn)水、退水閘的配套機(jī)械,山區(qū)、平原有、無(wú)電地區(qū)均可使用。

QL screw hoist can be divided into 3 tons, 5 tons, 8 tons, 10 tons, 12 tons, 15 tons, 20 tons, 25 tons, 30 tons, 40 tons, 50 tons, 60 tons by specifications. Rod hoist detailed information 1. QL type screw hoist (flashlight dual-purpose), hand-rocking screw hoist can be divided into: 3 tons, 5 tons, 8 tons, 10 tons, 12 tons, 15 tons, 20 tons, 25 tons, 30 tons, 40 tons, 50 tons, 60 tons, but also produces double hoisting point hoist, this machine is a water conservancy engineering special machinery, a wide range of It is used for opening and closing sluices of water conservancy projects. It is a complete set of machinery for filling and withdrawing sluices of farmland irrigation, aquaculture, agricultural economic development zones, sewage treatment plants, hydropower stations, reservoirs (sluices, dikes, tunnels, pipelines), etc. It can be used in mountainous, plain areas with or without electricity. 2.QP type, QPK type hoist, hand rocking, electric dual-purpose specifications are divided into: 5 tons, 8 tons, 12.5 tons, 16 tons, 25 tons; Electric specifications are divided into: 40 tons, 63 tons, 80 tons, 100 tons, 125 tons, 160 tons, 200 tons, according to the design requirements of the user hydraulic engineering, can also produce double-hoisting point hoist, this machine is a kind of water The special machinery for water conservancy projects is widely used for opening and closing the gates of water conservancy projects. It is a complete set of machinery for filling and withdrawing the gates of farmland irrigation, aquaculture, agricultural economic development zones, sewage treatment plants, hydropower stations, reservoirs (sluices, dikes, tunnels, pipelines), etc. It can be used in mountainous areas, plains with or without electricity.




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