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時間 : 2018-09-07 17:19 瀏覽量 : 128

  鋼閘門廣泛應用于排灌、水電站、水庫、河道、環(huán)境保護、污水處理、水產(chǎn)養(yǎng)殖等水利工程。平面鋼閘門、鋼閘門有定輪鋼閘門、滑動鋼閘門及高壓鑄鐵閘門、弧形閘門等鋼結(jié)構(gòu)閘門以優(yōu)質(zhì)鋼板為基材,采用橡膠止水、防腐方式為表面進行噴沙除銹及熱噴鋅,產(chǎn)品可根據(jù)用戶提供圖紙生產(chǎn)制作。產(chǎn)品具有結(jié)構(gòu)合理堅固、耐磨耐蝕性強、性能可靠;安裝、調(diào)整、使用、維護方便等特點。Steel gates are widely used in irrigation, hydropower stations, reservoirs, rivers, environmental protection, sewage treatment, aquaculture and other water conservancy projects. Plane steel gates and steel gates have fixed wheel steel gates, sliding steel gates, high-pressure cast iron gates, arc gates and other steel structure gates with high-quality steel sheets as the substrate, using rubber sealing, anti-corrosion methods for the surface of sand spraying and rust removal and hot zinc spraying. Products can be produced according to the drawings provided by users. The product has reasonable structure, strong wear and corrosion resistance, reliable performance, easy installation, adjustment, use, maintenance and other characteristics.

鋼制閘門是給排水工程、水利、水電工程中常用的攔水、止水設備,我公司生產(chǎn)的鋼閘門種類齊全,可適用于各種場合,具有結(jié)構(gòu)合理堅固、耐磨耐蝕性強、性能可靠;安裝、調(diào)整、使用、維護方便等特點  按閘門的工作性質(zhì):可分為工作閘門、事故閘門、檢修閘門等。按閘門形狀特點:可分為平面閘門、弧形閘門、人字閘門等。  按孔口的形式:可分為露頂式閘門和潛沒式閘門。Steel gates are commonly used in water supply and drainage engineering, water conservancy, hydropower engineering, water stop equipment, our company produces a wide range of steel gates, can be applied to various occasions, with a reasonable structure, strong wear and corrosion resistance, reliable performance; installation, adjustment, use, easy maintenance and so on according to the characteristics of the gate work: They are divided into working gates, emergency gates, overhaul gates, etc. According to the shape characteristics of gate, it can be divided into plane gate, radial gate and miter gate. According to the form of orifice, it can be divided into exposed top gate and submerged gate.


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